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Subletting apartments in Odessa 1Realty

Subletting apartments in Odessa 1Realty

Subletting apartments in Odessa – the transfer of part of the already rented real estate to a third party. At the same time, the tenant becomes a landlord. The sub-hire agreement is made in accordance with the permission of the owner and includes a number of requirements, one of which is the payment for temporary ownership or use of the property by the sub-tenant.

The first real estate company provides mediation services for subletting in Odessa and Odessa region. We take over the documentation of sub-hire on the secondary market. The client and the real estate firm become full partners during the work of our specialists. The deal is completely transparent:the customer will be able to control every stage of cooperation.

The purpose of the agreement

The key purpose of retaking real estate is to reduce the cost of using a premises or property, especially if some of it is not used. Contractual relationships in subletting include obligations under which the tenant can rent the property for a certain period of time.

It is important to remember that such a relationship does not absolve the tenant of his direct obligations. In addition, he could not transfer more rights to use the property than he had himself. In order not to have problems in the future, it is necessary first of all to obtain the written consent of the main landlord.

Subletting in Odessa includes 2 new contracts. First with the right to retake the property, and the second between the first and second tenants. The first is regulated by the owner. Note that in practice most of the main treaties contain a paragraph on retake. Often the owner gives permission in advance and gives the tenant to choose the terms of such a transaction.

The pros and cons of subletting

The contract consists of simple writing. It has a number of advantages that we will consider in more detail.

  • Allows the main tenant to save well and distribute funds more rationally;

  • It is relevant for big cities, such as Odessa, where buying space is not always profitable: you don’t have to buy an officeto do business;

  • The first tenant can shift some of his obligations to the second.

In addition to the pros, there are subleases and cons:

  • The contract expires when the main agreement between the owner and the first tenant is terminated;

  • Frequent fraudulent schemes when housing or warehouse is retaken without the owner’s consent;

  • Inflated price if the main tenant transfers the right to the property in full.

To avoid problems, the sub-tenant should pay special attention to the study of documentation. In the event of termination of the contract between the main parties to the contractual relationship, will appeal directly to the owner. The intermediary tenant will not inflate the price if only part of the premises is removed.

Safe subletting of premises in Odessa is possible with the First Realtor Company. The realtor will definitely monitor all the points of the agreement and inform the client about them. For questions and cooperation, call your phone numbers or contact the company’s office.

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