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Top 10 cottage villages of Odessa

Top 10 cottage villages of Odessa

Ukraine’s third largest city is famous for its mild southern climate and is located on the Black Sea coast. Odessa region includes many modern cottage villages, where you can find a private house as a seaside property for all tastes. Let’s consider the best options for cottage settlements in Odessa and its surroundings.

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Township review

Let’s read the rating of cottage villages of the city and the territories close to it:

  • Pine Beach. The picturesque village is located on the shores of the Black Sea coast. The average area of plots is 200 square meters, sometimes reaches 400. The village was recently built. Mostly there are two-storey cottages. The place is located 2 km from the city, in the area of the village of Leski. The village is positioned as a luxury place for well-to-do people with good incomes. High-quality materials and the latest technologies were used for construction. The houses offer stunning views of the Gulf of Odessa and the Black Sea.
  • The Royal Gardens. Here are the best cottages, the area of plots reaches 600 square meters. In addition to the fact that the new village is located on the beach, there is a large number of houses, as well as everything you need for life (spa complex, restaurants and entertainment for children). The place is carefully guarded and entry is only possible through the checkpoint. In summer, residents are provided with electric cars.
  • An oasis. The place is considered elite and includes buildings built in the classic style of 26 home. Suitable for people with “great opportunities” who love peace and quiet. Here are the best architectural solutions. The place is well guarded and all residents may not worry about safety.
  • White flower. Located in a huge park area 1.5 km from the sea. The place is surrounded by 500 unique tree species. All houses are also made in the same style and have a loyal price range of 3 million. Most of the buildings have a terrace and a fireplace. The developer guarantees high security for customers.
  • South wind. Located in the resort area surrounded by trees and shrubs on the black sea shore, next to the popular water park “Poseidon”. Developed infrastructure makes it possible to lead a normal life without leaving the neighborhood. All houses are built using the latest technology from environmentally friendly materials. The place is focused on the sale of real estate to wealthy people and guarantees high security for tenants.
  • Black Sea Riviera. Modern design and loyal prices attract tenants from all over the country. Here everyone feels comfortable and comfortable, despite the income. Here are the real estate economy, elite and business classes. There is an installment for the purchase.
  • Breeze. Here they buy luxury real estate, with high security and constant protection of the territory. The place is built next to the sea.
  • Ariadne. It houses three-storey houses and apartments in townhouses. A single solution to the design of homes and landscape makes the place unique. The categories of houses, as well as the price of them, are heterogeneous. Entry is through the checkpoint and residents may not worry about security, because the territory is constantly protected. Pleasant sea breeze and green spaces all year round please residents.
  • Marin Villas. The elite village includes 23 hectares. About 300 luxury homes will be built here. To the order of the tenants – close location from the sea, a large selection of real estate: cottages and townhouses. Architects have developed about 40 varieties of houses, each of which is unique in design and content, housing is available for everyone. The smallest house is 150 square meters, the largest is 600. Residents will also be provided with an appropriate level of security through the work of security agencies.
  • Pearl. The place is different from other developed infrastructure. Here are architectural solutions using modern technologies and eco-friendly materials that are safe to live in. The home area involves the possible construction of swimming pools, saunas or basement. All the houses presented are equipped with two-car garages. The developer works directly with clients and helps to make the housing truly unique. The village stands near the Black Sea.
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