
Where to invest in a crisis. Banks, real estate or gold?

The first real estate companyReal Estate BlogReal estateWhere to invest in a crisis. Banks, real estate or gold?
Where to invest in a crisis.  Banks, real estate or gold?

In the face of the growing financial crisis, investors start to think about the worst. Their eyes turn to safe assets.

News from global financial markets resemble front-line reports. The issue of saving savings has become relevant for many Ukrainians.

Money can depreciate

We have recently seen a rapid rise in the dollar. Then a sharp drop. As for the stabilization of the hryvnia exchange rate, then, Most likely, this is a temporary lull, and sooner or later the dollar will start to rise in value again. Converting savings into dollars again, then some foreign exchange transactions will lead to a loss of up to 15% capital. Yes, he is, regardless of the relationship to other currencies, constantly depreciating. All world currencies are subject to inflation. They lose weight annually from 2 to 10%.

Such incidents stem from the very nature of money.. Because they're just paper. And their purchasing power is measured by people's willingness to believe, that she is worth something.

Banks are not eternal

They, who kept the money in the bank, know about the ephemerality of the most impressive financial institutions. In the intricacies of the modern financial system, tens of billions of dollars evaporate as if by magic.. Confidence in the Ukrainian banking system has been severely shaken, and the Ukrainians instantly understood, what's what and ran to banks for their money, until they are completely devoured by devaluation. But she still managed to do it, because how frantic inflation was triggered, which collapsed the course almost threefold.


Gold is not a means of earning quick income, unlike deposits, real estate. For effective monitoring of dynamic profit indicators, received from investing in precious metals, should work effectively over a long period. Gold prices continue to rise. In a panic, you will have to buy gold at high prices. When will the crisis decline?, investors will start leaving the gold market, selling metal. Gold prices will inevitably start to fall.

We must not forget that, that gold's value lies in its reserve currency status. States buy it, to store your funds. Until the end of the 18th century, silver served as a reserve currency.. However, after, how it was replaced by gold, silver quickly depreciated. This is suggestive, what if gold loses its reserve currency status, it will also lose investment value.

Real estate

During the Great Depression (1929-1933 g.g.) someone advised the brilliant actor Charles Spencer Chaplin to buy cheap real estate. After the end of the depression, real estate prices skyrocketed. Chaplin was grateful to the man, gave invaluable advice, until the end of life. This way he was able to get rich..

Those Ukrainians, who do not trust banks and have little savings, which will not be enough to buy real estate, economists suggest investing in yourself, primarily, in education.