
Buy an office in Odessa: learn about 5 major mistakes

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Buy an office in Odessa: learn about 5 major mistakes

Commercial real estate in Odessa – real gold mine, which can take your business to the next level. And if you are planning to purchase a couple of hundred square meters for your company in the near future, then this article will seem very timely to you.

After reading this collection of basic and gross mistakes, which entrepreneurs allow when buying an office, you will acquire your commercial property without a hitch.

Mistake # 1: The buyer forgot to verify the legitimacy of the seller's property rights. The most gross and problematic mistake opens our hit parade. Unfortunately, despite all the evidence, buyers often forget to do the most basic: make sure, what office space in Odessa really belongs to the seller. Eventually, would-be businessman lays out a tidy sum to a dishonest entrepreneur, which has nothing to do with the property being sold. And sooner or later, the real owner appears and claims the rights to his legal property. Imagine, какими расходами может обернуться эта ошибка по невнимательности? Поэтому внимательно изучайте все документы, которые подтверждают право владения офисом.

Ошибка№2. Покупатель экономит на консультации опытного юриста. Эта ошибка плавно вытекает из предыдущей. Если вы не уверены в своей юридической грамотности, обратитесь за помощью к опытному и надежному юристу. Лучше вы сейчас заплатите определенную сумму денег, чем потом вам придется платить вдесятеро больше этих денег. Unfortunately, the sale of offices in Odessa and other cities of Ukraine often ends in litigation. You don't want to add these statistics.?

Mistake # 3. The new owner forgot to check the payment of all utility bills. In some cases, this oversight can end very badly.. Very often, commercial real estate in Odessa is sold with thousands of electricity debts, water, sewerage. And as a result, the recently held owner of a small office is forced to part with the last savings, to pay off all payments. It also happens, that the utilities, having learned about the change of owner, may even turn off electricity or water for debts. And the buyer will have to spend more than one working day, to get your office back up and running.

Mistake # 4. At the time of the preliminary inspection of the office, the buyer did not ask about the smooth operation of the entire infrastructure. In other words, instead of, to ask neighbors, and how often do they turn off the electricity and water?, an impatient buyer prefers to take the seller's word for it. And as a result, after several days of work in a brand new room, all the work of the company is stopped due to another accident of power lines or a break in pipes. Remember, it is not enough to buy an office in Odessa, it is important to conduct a serious exploration of the area before concluding the final contract.

Mistake # 5. The new owner has not found out, Is it warm in the office in winter? This mistake is made by almost 80% all buyers, who make a deal in the spring. Still would, far from winter, and how the batteries will work - time will tell. But it is worth the first frost, how the company's management clutches its head over the exorbitant heating costs 100 square meters. Hence the conclusion: prepare the sleigh in summer, and heating of offices in Odessa before the onset of cold weather.